DeWy CuTe^
17Friends 7Fans
female Indonesia
Taylor Swift - Fifteen
fan of taylor swift ;p
.........,,,now u turn to fill d blank.. (;
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
blmmm ngantuk2
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad. -SALVADOR DALI
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
bentar lg kilatny muncul...zzrrr
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
I believe it is better to tell the truth than a lie. -H.L. Mencken
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago 2
Sometimes the person I want the most is the person I'm better off without
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
bentar lg turuuunn
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
what's up gals??
DeWy CuTe^ says
14 years ago
skr ngantukkk
DeWy CuTe^ feels
14 years ago
blm ngantukkk2 tapiii....