62Friends 66Fans
female Blue Bell, PA, United States
In no particular order:

Classrooms for the Future Coach, Instructional Technology Specialist, DEN Star Educator, PA Keystone Technology Integrator, Medievia Goddess, Wife, Mother

Visit diannekrause.edublogs.org to find
diannekrause asks
16 years ago
question for elementary teachers - what web 2.0 tools do you use with students the most at your level? Conducting pd for elem librarians
diannekrause asks
16 years ago 2
Question: Do you have a good, collaborative Web 2.0 site/tool that students could use to create 'online' newspapers?
diannekrause asks
16 years ago 3
Does anyone know of any blogs/articles about using Ning for PD in schools and time management with Social networks?
16 years ago
Does anyone know how to duplicate/clone wikispaces?
16 years ago
Need help - Newest Notebook software with Mac Leopard with PowerPoint slideshow view - Not happy, not erasing, no ink layer... anyone???
diannekrause shares
16 years ago 2
Spent the day at the elementary level - absolutely need to wrap my high school brain around elementary integration and interactivity
16 years ago 7
first plurk in a few days!
16 years ago
Anyone know of a cell-phone voting service like pollanywhere that is free for like 500 users? pollanywhere is free for 30 users, thats it
diannekrause asks
16 years ago 8
would you attend a conference workshop session on using Ning as a Professional Development Network?
16 years ago
Looking for good professional politicians' blogs - anyone know of any?