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female Mesa, AZ, United States
I'm a Christian author and motivational speaker on a mission to equip, empower & energize people to maximize their lives. My consuming passion is motivating the church to get up out of pews and into the world.
donnapartow says
13 years ago
Congrats to the cast of YouthQuake LIVE for a powerful, God-filled, anointed, eternally significant evening. So proud of all of you !
donnapartow says
13 years ago
When you take control of your physical appetite, you develop strength to take control of your emotional appetite. - Elmer Towns
donnapartow says
13 years ago
Today, may your actions & attitudes flow from your security in God; not the insecurity in your heart.
donnapartow says
13 years ago
Taraneh's big debut tonight with YouthQuakeLIVE. Saw the dress rehearsal; she was MAGNIFICENT. Pray for cast of 150 & those who will attend
donnapartow says
13 years ago
Called BMW dealer. Said "I'm looking for a black Z4." He said, "U must be with Visalus. We sell so many BMWs to reps, 3 of our guys joined!"
donnapartow says
13 years ago
Life w/God today: Help my daughter get ready for mission trip to Mozambique...and pick out my free BMW. What a combination!
donnapartow says
13 years ago
I've lost 8 pounds & earned a BMW in my first couple weeks on the 90-Day Challenge.
donnapartow says
13 years ago
The 3 happiest females on the planet last night all had the same last name: Partow. And we were all bouncing off the walls in the same house
donnapartow says
13 years ago
Got caught in a traffic jam on my way to the airport today. The cause? A turtle crossing the road. Only in Ponte Vedra Beach!
donnapartow says
13 years ago
We have 24 hrs to raise $2,500 for Leah's missionary training school in Mozambique!