5Friends 18Fans
male Manila, Philippines
My name is Aldous, but my friends call me dous or suod for short. I'm 15 years old and my birthday is March 26, 1994. I'm a former lead guitarist of Corn Flakes. My life is also involved with the art of music and I'm a music lover.
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
Goodnight, Deplurking..
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
Goodnight, deplurking.. (wave)
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
Goodevening (wave)
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
Goodnight, deplurking.. (wave)
ch0c0y3y-o8 is
15 years ago
Listening to To Be Loved - Papa Roach
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago 3
grabeh imba ang gossipmeter :-o
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
ang hirap mag research.. :|
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
kktpos lang kumain.. :-)
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
Kain mode muna.. :-)
ch0c0y3y-o8 says
15 years ago
busy, do not disturb for awhile. :-)