58Friends 17Fans
female Greenville, PA, United States
i am a nurse, a wife, a mother, a knitter, a gamer and a knitter and I still find time to get sleep. Finally hit a good place in my life in the 30s and am comfortable with who I am.
drezdaminder is
12 years ago
getting a new Birdleg bag for Halloween. I can't wait!
drezdaminder loves
12 years ago
Warehouse 13, stripy socks and apple pie. Could my night get any better?
drezdaminder wishes
12 years ago
work didn't cut into my knitting time :-(
drezdaminder is
12 years ago 1
done with the sock!
drezdaminder is
12 years ago
trying to get my sock done before the opening ceremony.
drezdaminder is
12 years ago
addicted to stripe sock goodness!
drezdaminder needs
12 years ago
more knitting time less work time
drezdaminder has
12 years ago
just knit her first neck band (dance)
drezdaminder is
12 years ago 1
starting the Pine Forest Blanket. Thanks Fat Squirrel for the great idea:-D
drezdaminder is
12 years ago 1
loving my vesper yarn!