2Friends 2Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
16 years ago
Pragmatics! Sanskrit Midterm! Jesse time! New ink cartridge! Shopping for party! Intrepid Ibex! Freaking out about Lang&Cog!
16 years ago
i just bought a phone :XX
16 years ago
Hooray being prosyletized! Sorry I don't think yoga will cure herpes
16 years ago 2
Trying out ping.fm. Hello twitter, fbook, plurk, brightkite, and lj users!
dusdus says
16 years ago
hi plurk o.o I forgot about you
dusdus is
16 years ago
wanted for employment by so many people kekekeke
dusdus is
16 years ago
getting paid to leave AIM every 15 minutes or so to switch tapes in a tape deck. Heck yes.
dusdus is
16 years ago
writing a lettar :-DD
dusdus likes
16 years ago
it better when people who have caused nasty drama in his life leave him alone and don't invite themselves to dinner KTHX. :-)
16 years ago 1
spent all day reading today :-DDD