6Friends 2Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
16 years ago
Will the GOP and Fox News stop using "San Francisco" as a dirty word? Republicans live here too.
16 years ago
I am sooooo looking forward to this episode of GG: ping.fm/gY2SK
16 years ago
funny, ASL and I are discussing how we will reverse flee back to corp jobs in shanghai or HK if Palin ever becomes prez.
16 years ago
I just discovered that 30K AA miles expired in August because my AA emails when to Finch's old domain. WTF!
16 years ago
wow, fact follows fiction. like fox mulder, david duchovny has a problem with the pr0n and is in rehab.
16 years ago
People on Twitter to avoid: the guy who wrote the last question here: bit.ly/1lCQPq
16 years ago
weird bug? twitter is now reordering my followers in reverse chron order of date joined.
echan is
16 years ago
detoxing from all the meat she ate this weekend and can't figure out how vegetarians feel full.
16 years ago
yahoo is shutting down mash; will yahoo 360 follow soon?
16 years ago
retweeting dxu bit.ly/45vlHF cuter than the sentinel counter girl.