2Friends 1Fans
male Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
echoes4ever asks
15 years ago
how you doing bootstrap ?
echoes4ever shares
15 years ago
echoes4ever thinks
15 years ago
that to send a private plurk should be easier, like clicking on the friends image or something. #usability
echoes4ever loves
15 years ago
that now another friend of mine has joined the plurk line
echoes4ever says
15 years ago
hello plurk sattelite (not a planet yet)
echoes4ever likes
15 years ago
esse tal de plurk, mais amigável que o twitter e todos seus third-party clients, so não encontrei um 'search'. bom talvez seja a timeline.
15 years ago
echoes4ever shares
15 years ago
echoes4ever wonders
15 years ago
how this week will end
echoes4ever wishes
15 years ago 1
2010 is going to be a wonderful year :-D