17Friends 2Fans
female Singapore
A girl trying to have fun!
elmirathatsme is
14 years ago
doing her chemistry homework. (annoyed)
elmirathatsme has
14 years ago
finally completed her Physics homework!!! (dance)
elmirathatsme will
14 years ago
be going to the gym later. (tongue)
elmirathatsme feels
14 years ago
happy that she can finally complete her outstanding homework. (dance)
elmirathatsme likes
14 years ago
going to the gym! (dance)
elmirathatsme wishes
14 years ago
all muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA!!! (griltongue)
elmirathatsme says
14 years ago
hello! (wave)
elmirathatsme says
14 years ago
oh ya I'm fasting tomorrow as well! :-D
elmirathatsme wishes
14 years ago
all p6s all the best for their PSLE results tomorrow! B-)
elmirathatsme says
14 years ago
good night everybody!!! (: