34Friends 26Fans
female Philippines
..i'M tHe tYpe 0f gIrL tHat CaN bE s0 hUrt bUt cAn sTill l00k aT u And sMile....tHe TyPe oF gIrl wh0 Is wiLlING t0 brightEn uR daY eVen If I cAn't bRightEn my 0Wn..

..i ThiNk thAt'S mii....rofl
bye muna po
lunchtime nahhhhhhhhhhhhh
cNuh pwEde kauSap hehe
gUd m0rninG!!
(tears)t0o sad to know she is G0ne (tears)
libiNg na ni c0ry toDay.. :'-( (tears)