13Friends 7Fans
female Manila, Philippines
milesy. em not what you're thinking. em not what everybody's thinking. em an ordinary girl who needs someone to be complete. em not asking for someone perfect, but em searching for someone true. ;-)
envymilesy shares
14 years ago
Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris
14 years ago
9:30-11:00 exam ko today. haha.. thank God! tpos n finals ;-))
envymilesy says
14 years ago
if i cant be rich and famous......... i guess i'll have to be satisfied with sexy and popular!!! ;-)
envymilesy says
14 years ago
while u all read my status & gossip i sit back & think...damn i got myself a fan club!!! ;-))
envymilesy shares
14 years ago
Lady Gaga feat. Beyoncé  Telephone (Official Music Video) HD
14 years ago
I'm stuck in a world filled with crazy and psychotic people... And I'm their leader. Hahaha.
14 years ago 2
talking to myself is the only way to make sure that i get the answers that i want! B-)
envymilesy is
14 years ago 2
thinking about someone... is it you? ;-) Who do you think it is?
14 years ago
if u ever wondered y u cant find a decent man ill let u in on a secret...........THERE ARENT ANY!!! X-(
envymilesy wishes
14 years ago 7
you could delete people from your life as easy as you can delete them from your phone..