25Friends 11Fans
female Mega, Indonesia
esslythe shares
16 years ago 6
esslythe wonders
16 years ago 44
whats gonna happen at thebridge today? history has been made, lets think about the future...
esslythe gives
16 years ago
(dance) (dance) (dance) dapet juga gw si dancing banana. huahuahua
esslythe gives
16 years ago
my all or not at all
16 years ago 1
singing: ...raindown, all around Bandung is singing..
esslythe says
16 years ago 1
mau masak kangkung pedes dan cumi asin. uhmm
esslythe is
16 years ago 3
going to pungkur
esslythe says
16 years ago 8
gak sabar liat N'sync di cellgroup fiesta?!!
esslythe says
16 years ago 4