evadne liminal
24Friends 87Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Liminal, polyglot designer / pixel-pusher.
evadne liminal wonders
14 years ago 2
www.plurk.com/evadne 用 Chrome / Safari 5 捲一捲,速度差了三倍有餘。
evadne liminal wonders
14 years ago 8
email 不通比馬桶不通還恐怖啊!
evadne liminal has
14 years ago
updated slate ( github.com/monoceroi/sla... ). revised filter bar, updater, main form, incl. numerous bug-fixes and new z-index order.
evadne liminal thinks
14 years ago
evadne liminal thinks
14 years ago 4
果然自從知道 Coda 的界面在設計階段就使用向量後,開始祇用 IL 設計界面是個正確的選擇。要兩倍精緻祇要匯出的時候勾勾換一個就可以了。
evadne liminal shares
14 years ago
slate 更新 at github.com/monoceroi/sla...
evadne liminal thinks
14 years ago
清理掉 100GB 的數位垃圾。
evadne liminal thinks
14 years ago
damnit, just “that UI looks pretty well”? No wonder you made something that is borderline unusable
evadne liminal thinks
14 years ago
Wanted an AIR app -> thought “oh well.” -> clicked on that ClickToFlash rect -> Plugin Failure. Oh, well, can I at least have the app?
evadne liminal thinks
14 years ago 7
管它蘋果會不會認可。WebKit is an open platform. Flash 祇是耗電與另包一層所以根本不是可行的事業計劃,自然不可以拿來用啦。