12Friends 36Fans
male Miami Beach, FL, United States
I'm not drnk!!
fanless says
12 years ago
Two blisters and bloody knuckles from trying to start a nitro RC? This hobby might be over before it even gets started!
fanless says
12 years ago
What will keep me more focused on what I need to be doing...? Christmas music, or Tour de France reruns?
fanless says
12 years ago
...and now I transition over to NASCAR Race Buddy!
fanless says
12 years ago
Last year, I gave my special lady friend chicken pox for my birthday. This year, she just gets a sweet cold.
fanless says
12 years ago
I love that my office can be 82-83ºf when the rest of the house is 68º!
fanless says
12 years ago
I finally get my inbox down to zero. I go brush my teeth and get ready so I can go to bed... Come back and I have 11 new messages! FML!!
fanless says
12 years ago
I get really annoyed when iTunes gives me censored versions of songs when I download from iTunes Match!
fanless says
12 years ago
Anyone want to go to the Tri-City Americans game vs Kamloops on November 10th with me?
fanless says
12 years ago
It turns out, I need to wear pants this morning. And maybe socks!!