I love weekends in camp in its own way, but I'm starting to miss civilian surroundings. 3 more days...
what's left of the sun casts a beautiful hue of colors against a sky of great wispy clouds.
weekend almost here... weekend almost here......
seeing everyone in the new uniform doesn't give me the strange reassurance the old one did.
ATM said "temp out of svc" when it reached me. Told the guy behind me and he left. Noticed ATM was showing ads and tried and worked. Oops.
my parents just bought the Sony FZ900 wireless home theatre system "with Renhao's approval". Ha.
omg so late. I just woke up. Shag sia.
wanted to go down for late night (early morning) snack attack with bro, but he's talking with gf... sleep sleep.
OMG WOW I can stream HD videos from Azureus to my Xbox like the breeze. Awesome possum!