6Friends 182Fans
male MPR 3 Cilandak Barat, Indonesia
Whatever u give 2 life, it gives u back. Don't hate anybody. The hatred which comes out from u will somebody comeback 2 u. Love others and Love will comeback 2 u.
[email protected]
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ferry_eie bilang
15 years ago
mornin (dance) (worship)
ferry_eie bilang
15 years ago
ferry_eie bilang
15 years ago
(dance) (music) (rofl)
ferry_eie berbagi
15 years ago 1
ferry_eie bilang
15 years ago
hujan lagi (raining) (dance) (gym)
ferry_eie bilang
15 years ago
byeeee (hungry) (sleeping)
ferry_eie berbagi
15 years ago
byeee, sleep again (nottalking) (lmao) (sleeping)
ferry_eie berbagi
15 years ago
ferry_eie bilang
15 years ago
mornin all (: (gym)
ferry_eie berbagi
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3357875_1b0cf0c2fad192aa002f99e5c1b1eaa3.jpg (bringit)