fhia harjanto
32Friends 16Fans
female BSD, Indonesia
fhia harjanto hates
15 years ago
ngupload foto di facebook lama banget X-(
fhia harjanto loves
15 years ago
her famsy so muchow
fhia harjanto feels
15 years ago 1
comfortable with her boyf (K)
fhia harjanto was
15 years ago
not sleep for 3 hours :-&
fhia harjanto is
15 years ago
nggak bisa tidur zz
fhia harjanto is
15 years ago
on the phone with her boyf (K)
fhia harjanto hopes
15 years ago
jadi ke dufan sama temen temen (goodluck)
fhia harjanto is
15 years ago 1
having her Tuna Croissant Lunch at Oh La La cafe RSPI (hungry)
fhia harjanto is
15 years ago
eating her lunch at Oh La La Cafe RSPI
fhia harjanto wants
15 years ago
to eat something that makes me full (hungry)