3Friends 1Fans
female Denver, CO, United States
geckoknits says
15 years ago
lace can be so annoying. A simple scarf is bad enough, what will a shawl be like?!
geckoknits wonders
15 years ago
why work has to get in the way of knitting!
geckoknits thinks
15 years ago
that snow is great... as long as you don't have to drive through a blizzard!
geckoknits says
15 years ago 1
I love snow, but hate to drive in it!
geckoknits says
15 years ago
WoW needs to stop (for a while)-- I need to knit!
geckoknits says
15 years ago 1
WoW ate my knitting... =/
geckoknits wonders
15 years ago
why her new laptop keeps thinking she's living in the UK!
geckoknits is
15 years ago 2
going to definitely finish the first pink ribbon sock tonight-- if she has to stay up forever!
geckoknits is
15 years ago 2
knitting a sock from a Fancy Feet flat