Sofa King
28Friends 20Fans
male Southfield, MI, United States
Official like a referee with a whistle.
Sofa King is
16 years ago 1
amazed ... why is my 3 year old walking around singing a track from the hives
Sofa King wonders
16 years ago 19
what the true percentage is of people who actually Laugh Out Loud when they type LOL.
Sofa King says
16 years ago 2
the summer of slack appears to be coming to a close.
Sofa King
16 years ago 21
with promises of no hostility : I want to understand why John McCain supporters support John McCain.
Sofa King says
16 years ago 9
my nephew is 14 and cutting my grass. I'm getting old.
Sofa King says
16 years ago 8
goodmorning Plurknasty.
Sofa King is
16 years ago 1
some suggest motivation has an ebb and flow -- I hope so cause I'm incredibly unmotivated.
Sofa King is
16 years ago
getting back into Assassins Creed. Because old games are reborn on a 42" screen.
Sofa King is
16 years ago 7
homing from work
Sofa King says
16 years ago 3
SO ready to leave work.