1Friends 0Fans
female Orlando, FL, United States
Jacquelyn Aris Moon
9 years ago
9 years ago
I just want to say I'm thankful for everyone on my timeline. You're all wonderful!
9 years ago 18
I'm home.
9 years ago
9 years ago 2
We're shipping who we're logged in as. Which is currently . . . Robin Sena.
___ shares
9 years ago
9 years ago 12
"We're Not Worthless" - A Ritsuka x Yuiko Tribute Still one of my favorite AMVs. So what are some of your favorites?
9 years ago 2
Gah I'm freezing.
9 years ago 6
Hi does anyone have anything they might want me to tag maybe?
9 years ago
Is it bad that I have a favorite character already just three episodes into a new series?