Police have just stopped the Drummit 2 Summit once again. Attorney making anncmt on PA #fifthsummit
Police did try to stop Drummit 2 Summit using an 1800s law that was repealed in 2002!! Obviously they did not succeed #fifthsummit
Cow update: seems they're trying to shut the Drummit Summit in St James #fifthsummit #sota09
At Cow HQ. The herd will be moving off soon. Come & see us at the St James amphitheater! #fifthsummit #sota09
Just done w/ blogging workshop @ the People's Summit. Forget how much I enjoy such things. #peoplessummit #trinidad #fifthsummit
Bobolee as media, are we disrespectful as a people?, are we spineless? at People's Summit, Trinidad #fifthsummit
Southern lane of CR Hwy closed. Two-way on northern lane, at least up to end of Beetham. I'm on EMR now, moving v slowly.
Today is the day to drive in Port of Spain, unless you hate the sight of cops.
The cow performance was a success, if only in terms of attracting attn of media and those few members of the public who ventured downtown
Where are the cows? Send in the cows.