49Friends 60Fans
male Falls Church, VA, United States
autodidactic techno arsty craftsy eclecticist

I've been working with Higher Ed, K12, Libraries, and community networks since 1983 to understand and implement new technologies into research and education.
ghbrett is
16 years ago
finished making ham sandwiches for the road. Now to get on the road.
ghbrett has
16 years ago 5
just woken up. Now for a cuppa tea.
16 years ago
My favorite "Yes We Can" c/o YouTube -- Celebration!
ghbrett has
16 years ago 2
been away from plurk too long. oops
ghbrett is
16 years ago
amazed and hopeful this is real
16 years ago
I think I'd like one of these as a city car here in DC area. Just needs weather proofing.
16 years ago 5
listening to panel at session on Future of Social Networking at #I2FMM08 see:
ghbrett wants
16 years ago
to let you know today is Open Access Day -- learn more at
ghbrett is
16 years ago 7
slipping down the slippery karma slope, but remembering "Be Happy, Don't Worry!" Hugs all around.
ghbrett is
16 years ago 3
in New Orleans for I2FMM08 meeting.