31Friends 20Fans
female Makasar, Indonesia
gila,, cinta jb!!! SAYANG JOE JONAS!! trgila2 sm alien
benci pr dan ulangan
githalien says
15 years ago
i love my new layout!
githalien says
15 years ago
i need respon! and hand!(maksudnya minta tolong!) help! respon!
githalien says
15 years ago
susahnya org begadang kalo lg sedih di'???
githalien says
15 years ago
tomorrow will be the best day ever,or the worst day ever, mungkin sj bisa jd menyenangkn, tp kl perasaanku begini, ga bakalan hebat dh besok
githalien says
15 years ago
babay world!
githalien is
15 years ago 2
sakit hati
15 years ago 4
watching adventures of food boy!!
15 years ago 3
ga jd offline
15 years ago
offline, bosennn