17Friends 35Fans
male Bogor, Indonesia
simple smoker trying to find a place to smoke..
godeck says
12 years ago
Acer Aspire V5 notebooks get Ivy Bridge treatment, shipping by end of June for $630 and up ow.ly/1km17N
godeck says
12 years ago
VMware's Database Play: "Disk Is the New Tape" - Virtualization technology made it feasible for databases of gigabyt... ping.fm/hsNCU
godeck says
12 years ago
Hey, Mister DJ: vjay brings video mixing to the iPad ping.fm/bZSaH
godeck says
12 years ago
Has RIM canceled the 16GB PlayBook? - If you're an indecisive fan of the BlackBerry PlayBook, your purchasing decisi... ow.ly/1km17O
godeck says
12 years ago
Samsung’s ChatON messaging service comes to Windows Phone, now available on all mainstream platforms ping.fm/khWFs
godeck says
12 years ago
ASUS shows off its first Thunderbolt monitor, along with 3D and multitouch displays (video) ow.ly/1klpIV
godeck says
12 years ago
Twitter redesigns its logo, unveils a simplified Twitter bird ping.fm/4gKVX
godeck says
12 years ago
MK802 Android 4.0 Mini PC hands-on impressions - There must be something in the water in in hardware-designer land. ... ow.ly/1klpIU
godeck says
12 years ago
YouTube will live stream HD Olympics coverage to 64 territories in Asia, Africa ow.ly/1kkZZa
godeck says
12 years ago
SteelSeries shows off new WoW wireless mouse, cache of corded rodents and a headset at E3 ow.ly/1kkZZb