115Friends 156Fans
male Milwaukee, WI, United States
Just a truck driver
TheGodfather says
11 years ago
go ahead keep supporting the Illiminati agenda you sheeple
TheGodfather is
11 years ago 1
here to save plurk from death, now I can leave
TheGodfather says
11 years ago
TheGodfather says
12 years ago
Wow people still use this thing?
TheGodfather says
12 years ago 1
And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round? How can you mend a this broken man?
TheGodfather says
12 years ago
YAY Goldman Sachs won the election last night!!!! Get ready for police states and Fema camps everyone!!!
TheGodfather says
12 years ago
words that will get you punched in the face around me: YOLO, SWAG
TheGodfather says
12 years ago 1
i voted Jesse Ventura president, Bobby Hennan Vice President and King Kong Bundy for secretary of defense