1Friends 4Fans
gothic960 feels
15 years ago
very sick and feels abit like vomitting. :-&
gothic960 wants
15 years ago
someone to study with her in the library. :-(
gothic960 feels
15 years ago
like vomitting after having dinner. :-&
gothic960 is
15 years ago
currently staying over at cousin's.
gothic960 thinks
15 years ago
that some people are lame to the core. :-)
gothic960 is
15 years ago
hesitating. :-))
gothic960 is
15 years ago
currently at her grandparent's house,using cousin's computer. :-)
gothic960 has
15 years ago
finally calm down. :-)
gothic960 feels
15 years ago
so damn pissed off. X-(
gothic960 wants
15 years ago
to be with HIM ♥ right now and forever :-)