34Friends 22Fans
female West Chester, PA, United States
Crazy Happy life loving, second life loving chica.
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago
really surprised that i only have 199 new responses and i haven't logged in for quite a while!
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago 2
tired of being sick.
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago 1
making a custom gown... learning to sew in rl.... and going on vaca next week woot!
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago 3
whoa.. karma droppage EEK
GraceWinnfield shares
15 years ago
Gracies Bridal Fashion
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago
so excited to see the machinima video of her last fashion show tonight :-)
GraceWinnfield needs
15 years ago
sunshine..lollipops.. and rainbows, everything thats ....
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago
thinking and thinking.... and wondering and wondering......
GraceWinnfield is
15 years ago 1