26Friends 12Fans
greasyguide asks
16 years ago 1
what's the best tool for tracking social media?
greasyguide is
16 years ago
back in NYC from Chi-town.
greasyguide hates
16 years ago
flying but loves landing
greasyguide is
16 years ago
loading new music to my iPod Touch for the flight.
greasyguide loves
16 years ago
good food! I mean there is nothing like a good meal to set your mind right.
greasyguide says
16 years ago 3
Ok I'm liking Plurk now...how are you guys liking it? At least it's up and working!
greasyguide asks
16 years ago
Did you see the Sex and the City movie? If so what did you and do you think there should be another movie?
greasyguide is
16 years ago
greasyguide shares
16 years ago 2
How does this Karma thing works?
greasyguide shares
16 years ago
www.thestuffinside.com Check out the Jim Beam campaign I'm currently working on.