17Friends 35Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
Born and raised in the glorious state of Louisiana; currently in architecture school. Love travel and photography ( among other things.
grock is
15 years ago 1
having karma winthdrawals.
grock is
15 years ago
sipping on his afternoon coffee.
grock is
15 years ago 4
feeling blah.
grock hopes
15 years ago 1
everyone had a happy new year's day!
grock thinks
15 years ago 1
his falling karma can suck it
grock is
15 years ago 3
grock is
15 years ago 7
sad that his karma has taken a nosedive.
grock wants
15 years ago 6
to say hello!
grock is
16 years ago 4
about to listen to his cousins play the piano.
grock is
16 years ago 2
in Louisiana. Will plurk later!