2Friends 1Fans
male Singapore
haksoon has
15 years ago
eaten beef noodles!!!!!! :-D:-D
haksoon is
15 years ago
not motivated to plurk. Haha.
haksoon is
15 years ago
gona clean up his table after 3 years.. lol
haksoon thinks
15 years ago
that joey shouldn't quit on plurk :-(
haksoon is
15 years ago
doing facebook quizzes o.O
haksoon says
15 years ago
he is going to bathe sooooon
haksoon has
15 years ago
just came home feeling so warrmmm (money)
haksoon likes
15 years ago
the feeling of double strum and is going for the most difficult chord in the world E/G#
haksoon has
15 years ago
learn double strumming.
haksoon thinks
15 years ago
joey look funny.