13Friends 86Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
卡在一個所謂華麗又迷人的人間煉獄產業. 正經歷提早到來的中年危機. 一直感覺到人生很悲慘但是還是試著讓自己覺得有趣. (聽起來有點自欺欺人...)

Got Stucked in a so-called Gorgeous and Glamour Living Hell Industry. Experiencing Pre-Mature Midlife Crisis. Felt life is miserable but still trying to make it enjoyable...
Stan feels
15 years ago 1
一整個懶, 連打字都懶... 禮拜一... 懶人天...
Stan shares
15 years ago
Zee Avi 真好聽... 女的 Jack Johnson... :-D
Stan hates
15 years ago 2
Jam Jam Jam... Feel like it is going to be a long weekend... 我覺得大家都要去慶祝颱風假... Kinda........ Speechless...
Stan shares
15 years ago 2
人事行政局網站 大家應該知道這要幹嘛的吧... 在家閒閒沒事的WC你就不用看了.
Stan feels
15 years ago 1
肚子好餓... 趕Conference Call沒吃早餐........ :-(
Stan says
15 years ago 4
偶的豬頭漢堡寶終於租到了... 來給她看的三遍吧. (LOL)
Stan says
15 years ago
開始下大雨囉... 有颱風來的樣子喔
Stan says
15 years ago 4
好像回家一閉眼睜開眼就在辦公室了... 真慘. (doh)
Stan says
15 years ago 3
今天噗浪很冷清... (thinking)
Stan is
15 years ago 1
Listening to KIIS FM 102.7... RL會忌妒死... (rock)