3Friends 11Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
Knitting, bicycling, gardening and boozin' in the ATL.

I tweet more than I plurk:
hollywould says
15 years ago 3
oh no! the school moms are trying to get me in their clutches again!
hollywould wonders
15 years ago
why nobody told me about tawashi before? antibacterial scratchy acrylic, crochet hook & cute? I'm in!
hollywould says
15 years ago
then i look across the street & some dude is up in the neighbor's yard stealing their paper. he said he was doing yard work.
hollywould says
15 years ago 1
the bar up the street was robbed last night. robbers took the money and then shot one of the workers. jesus. too close.
hollywould says
15 years ago
i have an overwhelming urge to crochet dishcloths. i think i've finally lost my mind
hollywould says
15 years ago
dear lord. someone wants to know how better to increase because the yarn over method is leaving "all these messy holes" (thinking)
hollywould says
15 years ago
meat loaf is in the oven. i'm starving.
hollywould shares
15 years ago
Organic anyone? Nice
hollywould says
15 years ago
is it time to go home yet?
hollywould says
15 years ago
i'm going to try to twitter and plurk all day long - i keep forgetting twitter