3Friends 11Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
Knitting, bicycling, gardening and boozin' in the ATL.

I tweet more than I plurk:
hollywould says
15 years ago 1
good morning or afternoon or whatever. Hollay is awake and working on her first cup o' coffee.
hollywould says
15 years ago
Chin Chin & socks for mom. I've been in these pajamas since Thursday night. www.pic4ever.com/images/...
hollywould says
15 years ago
steve west is sick. this could be the longest day.
hollywould shares
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/1583685_e92c582a2bf23ca52ed8a6fdb6a11b99.jpg I did it!
hollywould says
15 years ago
this might be the day my head blows off
hollywould says
15 years ago
wordpress 2.7 is making me crazy! i need my flexible upload back!
hollywould says
15 years ago
enough with the cold!
hollywould says
15 years ago
sushi rice is done
hollywould says
15 years ago
'kay. I'm out. Catch y'all on the flip.
hollywould says
15 years ago 4
some dill hole told me to be careful with the botox because it could go to my brain and paralyze it. (LOL)