19Friends 30Fans
male Great Britain (UK)
almostholymoly says
15 years ago 3
capuccino today - in my latte cup!! as I'mout of latte mix for thetime being.With a dusting of chocolate, though, mmmm. (licks lips)
almostholymoly says
15 years ago 5
guess! it's time for latte (drinking)-and I've used the last of the mix. Have to try and track down some more-else it's on to capuccino mix
almostholymoly says
15 years ago 4
'No Connection'! X-(Had to reboot the router.
almostholymoly says
15 years ago
jus' time for a quick latte before scooting out to work (drinking)
almostholymoly says
15 years ago 4
It's been a busy weekend. Time for today's latte before heading for work. No wondermykarma has plummetted!! :'-(
almostholymoly says
15 years ago 4
yesterday was a fine day: today started with fog, but it's brightening up; hopes the sun burns it off: needs latte.
almostholymoly has
15 years ago 6
just had a reviving morning latte (drinking) and will be tootling off to work: I will be escaping the loud drilling next door ...
almostholymoly needs
15 years ago
a latte - since this will make him late for work today!! X-(
almostholymoly is
15 years ago 7
grrrr (angry): I wonder WHO has been responsible for the four tennis balls blocking the gutters and downspout: ...
almostholymoly has
15 years ago 2
just had a swift latte, getting the laundry out of the washing machine, before toddling out to work (drinking)