18Friends 98Fans
male Fletcher, OH, United States
A guy who loves Jesus, my wife and kids, drumming, caffeine, cheese, carbs, and Star Wars.
Web Developer, Bible Teacher/Pastor, Drummer
ISFJ | Gemini

Ed Link III - Fletcher, Ohio | about.me
6 years ago
I stayed up late eating #junkfood last night then got up early to #workout... Maybe I should just give up and buy bigger clothes. :-( #dietfail #shootme
edlinkiii is
6 years ago
not really looking forward to tomorrow morning...
edlinkiii says
6 years ago
the people I live with are driving me nuts! BUT I love them.
edlinkiii says
6 years ago
7:47pm on a Friday night... and I'm ready for bed. :'-(
6 years ago
Impossible to focus today. #TGIF
edlinkiii says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
it's almost Friday!
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
We made it through Monday.
6 years ago
I'm having tea and biscuits. (Just kidding, they're cookies.)
6 years ago
Is it bedtime yet? #Munday
edlinkiii is
6 years ago
not ready to give up on the weekend yet. :'-(