I hate not knowing what to do with myself. I should be in bed but I want to either: write, work more on my oc, or
headache. Sleep never felt so ... argh. lol Filling out questionares for Sion. Let's learn more about him.
I feel an Itachi and Sasuke mood coming on. Too bad I can never find a proper Sauce.
It looks like I finally got Kirin to join. I said I wouldn't ask again but damn people aren't biting and the game looks promising.
sleepy today. I'm also wondering if there's a way I could help a game I apped for get more people. I'll contact the mods later.
excited. It's been awhile since I've been in a game. Oh joy, it actually feels good to be back in one.
How do I send a private plurk? ;;
writer's block is the bane of my existence. I hope it clears up within the next week.
what should be nightmares, I consider pleasant dreams. Though these ones I keep having are more than strange.
I seriously want a small Kingdom Hearts roleplay. Not a giant panfandom one but a nice simple KH game. Axel is speaking to me.