man, ISPs are evil....I wish they'd get their shit together so I could have a decent bloody connection
hospitals and doctors and anything to do with the aforementioned. @.@
finished watching Attack on the Pinup Boys now, so must go have a shower and go to bed to be up too damned early. @.@
watching Attack on the Pinup Boys to cheer self up. That movie is so horrible it's great. *loves it*
thinks 16 years ago
tomorrow is really gonna suck hardcore. Hospitals are just like that. FAIL....
cold and headachey and sitting here eating lychee jellies. And putzing around on pupegyaru. *chuckles*
doing karaoke timing. Yay? (I love this PV to death otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. LOL)
Irish drivers....they're all bloody insane lunatics who can't drive to save their lives.
just spent the last 3 hrs handing out sweets to the local kidlets... *dies* And now we've run out...
just stayed up all night. Again. *sighs* I have errands to run today....