23Friends 19Fans
female Pasar Minggu, Indonesia
heyyy, i'm icha!
i love frankiee, zacky, synyster, jay, matt tuck, moose, enrique, billy joe so much!

twitter : RK! (@ichaaaw) | Twitter
myspace : Annisa Permatasari (ichaaaw) on Myspace
facebook : annisa shabahati permatasari
ichaichie says
15 years ago
facebook gue kenapaaaaaaaaa
ichaichie will
15 years ago
nanti ke pim ahahahay
ichaichie feels
15 years ago
ichaichie says
15 years ago
and the reason is you...
ichaichie says
15 years ago
mau cepet2 nonton final destination
ichaichie is
15 years ago 2
memorized asmaul husna
ichaichie is
15 years ago
i miss rei so baaad :-(
ichaichie says
15 years ago
i can't keep my eyes off of you
ichaichie feels
15 years ago
ichaichie says
15 years ago
fight for honor