Don't be afraid to be different。不要害怕與眾不同
I pain at I meant absolutely nothing to you.我難過的是自己對你什麼都不算。
No matter how painful your decision has been, as long as you can sleep well at night, it means that you made the right choice.不管你的決定有多讓你痛苦,只要你夜裡能安眠,就說明你做了對的選擇。
Sometimes there are no explanations and all you have to do is follow your heart and hope you made the right decision. ~~~有的時候,很多事情根本無法解釋清楚,你要做的就是跟隨你的內心,並祈禱自己做出的選擇是正確的。
Don't let anyone’s ignorance, hate or negativity stop you from being the best person you can be.別讓任何人的忽視、憎恨或者否定阻擋你成為最好的自己。
Follow your intuition. Do what makes sense to you. Never compare your journey to someone else's. ——跟隨你的直覺。做那些對你有意義的事情。永遠不要把你的生命旅程和別人的比較。
Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. ~~~永遠別後悔,因為如果過去是好的,那是完美;如果過去是不好的,那也是經驗和智慧。
Life is only traveled once; today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory. Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the best gift of life is life itself. 生命是場一次性旅行。今天此刻變成明天記憶。享受每一刻,或好或壞,因為生命最好的禮物就是生命本身。