created a BACN filter for Plurk, and recommends you do the same.
he may spend ALL of his remaining Plurk time on the Mobile site! It is WAY better than Crack-a-Mole.
Plurk is really an Obvious conspiracy, to draw traffic away for awhile so Twitter can replace Ruby on Rails with Hamsters on Meth.
that by 19:00 GMT Tuesday, the entire Twitter ecosystem will have migrated to Plurk. And will be bitching up a storm.
the YouTube links feature is just a few users away from RickRoll Critical Mass.
wonders how many of the Plurk people he's added are really the people he knows from Twitter, and not pranksters.
Plurk had a name like BrightKite, that lent itself to instantly recognizable parody.
Plurk is too much Wurk. Let the updates come to me, don't make me play Whack-a-Mole, clicking all over the damned place like a video game.
wonders how long he can survive in this ecosystem without an invite from Scoble.
Plurk is showing many error messages. Is this Alpha or Beta?