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Second life
Imprudence Viewer, one of the best SecondLife and OpenSim compatible viewers out there!

Need help? Please send us a PP!
imprudence says
13 years ago 77
We are very happy to bring you Imprudence Experimental 2011.03.11!
imprudence says
13 years ago 36
Did hell freeze over? Maybe! Imprudence 1.3.1 released!
imprudence says
13 years ago 24
Since Kokua is going to have purple haze for unloaded avatars, we are considering adding particle smoke on the water, too.
imprudence says
13 years ago 22
status update time!
imprudence says
13 years ago 6
update from Jacek:
imprudence says
13 years ago 24
Imprudence users: you can join up to 40 groups now. no modification or debug setting needed. just join them.
imprudence says
14 years ago 7
just got news from the Redzone CDS system people, and they told me they fixed the Imprudence 1.4 detection problem. Should be clear now.
imprudence says
14 years ago 12
Cannot load the new TOS? Please upgrade your version of Imprudence, it's likely very old.
imprudence says
14 years ago 5
imprudence says
14 years ago 13
shameless karma plurk. we are real busy with fixing what's left to be done on the media system. we're hoping for a release soon. carry on!