1Friends 1Fans
male Brisbane, Australia
Internet entrepreneur living in Brisbane, Australia. Currently writing a series of books to teach people how to make a passive income online.
15 years ago
Sharing a room with Paul and Mary Blackburn, Nicholas de Costella, Jason Urbanowicz, Jules Tarrant, Peter Cutforth... I feel blessed!
15 years ago
watching Nicholas de Castella present a session on "Emotional Literacy" .. he's an amazing speaker!
incomepassport is
15 years ago
run down after a big three days of training. Early night tonight, then I've got two more days of presentations to present. Then sleep...
15 years ago
Surrounding yourself with postive, like-minded people really inspires you. And I'm looking forward to being super inspired the next 5 days!
incomepassport is
15 years ago
spending the weekend at the Beyond Success bootcamp here in Brisbane. Wish me luck!
15 years ago
Launching new website: Free Website Click Here. That's the name of the site! :-) www.freewebsiteclickhere...
15 years ago
Don't get obsessed over Google PR for your website. Concentrate on good content and you'll get traffic. Your PR will rise naturally.
incomepassport is
15 years ago
having a productive Monday morning
15 years ago
Headed to Byron Bay for the day. Having a surf, checking out some live music at the Great Northern Hotel, then home late tonight.
15 years ago
Spent the day making instructional videos. Making ready to turn in - good night everyone!