7Friends 15Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
nDanisH akan
15 years ago
sholat dzuhur...
nDanisH wonders
15 years ago 113
kenapa sakit perut?? :'-(
nDanisH benci
15 years ago
banget sampe skrg msh ga tau harus pilih mana... (tears) (tears)
nDanisH is
15 years ago 40
time 4 Plurkin'... B-)
nDanisH says
15 years ago
byebye all dear friends~~ i'm off now...kerang oh kerang... (tongue)
nDanisH wonders
15 years ago 70
kerang bambu saus padang~~~ (hungry)
nDanisH asks
15 years ago 50
emo.huhiho.com/set/cuter... pilih mana? bubar sm temen2 SMP ato orang kantor...
nDanisH hates
15 years ago 4
the fact that i woke up late this morning... X-(
nDanisH hopes
15 years ago 11
i'm double n very happy....is that too much to ask? (unsure)
nDanisH is
15 years ago 1
(music) let it out...let it out...fill the empty space...