75Friends 27Fans
irenee wants
15 years ago 10
irenee wants
15 years ago 9
to be an androgyny person :-D
irenee wants
15 years ago 10
nyembuhin radang tenggorokan tanpa minum obat. bisa ga yaa? (sick)
15 years ago 3
tears till drop. (tears)
irenee hopes
15 years ago
this presentation will be success :-))
irenee says
15 years ago
SAHUR SAHUR! (highfive)
irenee feels
15 years ago 11
badan nge drop. (sick)
irenee wants
15 years ago
gatau harus apa. BLANK :-o
irenee wants
15 years ago
tugas selesai.. (wave)
irenee wants
15 years ago 20
on OFF on OFF X-(