15Friends 11Fans
female Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
it's ira...
it's hard to tell
so don't tell me...further more..don't even try
you'll get me wrong
one thing maybe..
i'm a perfectionist fun-loving..
irlau wonders
14 years ago 2
Apakah keluhan saya td malam akan di assess dan di treat..akankah ada follow up nya?
irlau feels
14 years ago 1
worst knowing that you can't make it because you're so busy sitting at your home all day cute X-(
irlau feels
14 years ago 2
cad that you can't make it, n worse that you don't even bother to tell me why... :-&
irlau feels
14 years ago's not the same like the last time..not even close...
irlau feels
14 years ago 4 is the day...
irlau says
14 years ago
Buddy tape=neighbour splint..keren ya..
irlau feels
14 years ago 1
siapapun yg hobi ngemiskol dgn private number itu sungguh2 menyedihkan..........
irlau is
14 years ago so many level.....
irlau is
14 years ago 2
irlau wonders
14 years ago
what to say.........