A.B.C D.E.F.G = A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl ♥
God has no Phone, but I talk to him. He has no Facebook, but he is still my friend. He does not have a Twitter, but I still follow him.
I was there for you when no one else was .So love me more. Sincerely Music ♫
Dentist: "So, how's school going?" Me: "Agraaagaaaggraaagagaa... Agraa, agraagaa." Dentist: that sound fun
I don’t care about your past. All I care is to know whether there’s a place for me in your future.
Summer belongs to me.
My Eyes During A Hard Test: (←_←)(→_→)(←_←)(→_→) Teacher Comes By Me: (↓_ ↓) Teacher Walks Away: (←_←)(→_→)(←_←)(→_→)
I think I see someı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨thing on your screen. 0_0
Saying..."Oh yea, now I remember" when you really don't.
Once I put on my headphones, my life becomes a music video.