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male Mountain View, CA, United States
JAJAH is free and low-cost global calling with your regular phone. There is no headset, no download, no software and no broadband connection needed. You are using your existing phone and so is the person you are calling. Check out www.jajah.com
15 years ago
"Microsoft and JAJAH partner - JAJAH launches enterprise class hosted IP comms service" by Kevin White jajahurl.com/microsoftja...
15 years ago
Microsoft and JAJAH partner for Enterprise IP Voice Services - ping.fm/Lufhz
15 years ago
RT JRockNRoll: Just finished a call with London. The jajah call quality is excellent!
15 years ago
We are looking for a freelance graphic designer preferably in the Bay Area for website and newsletter design pls email frederik[at]jajah.com
15 years ago
JAJAH IP Communications Platform Embraced by Online Dating Industry, chosen by MatchDotCom and eHarmony tr.im/tBee
15 years ago
We are looking for a freelance graphic designer preferably in the Bay Area (mainly website/newsletter graphics), email to [email protected]
15 years ago
Great article and summary of JAJAH's history "Skype was Yesterday – Welcome to JAJAH!" by Philipp Asen tr.im/jajahportrait
15 years ago
"JAJAH Lands Deals To Give Love A Voice On Match.com and eHarmony" two of the most popular dating sites Thx JasonKincaid awe.sm/V56
15 years ago
'Google Voice on Mobile' in the Financial Times Techblog by ftchris - featuring an interview with JAJAH CEO Trevor Healy awe.sm/Uyv
15 years ago
Bonne fête de Quatorze Juillet - JAJAH wishes everybody a Happy Bastille Day, check out our special promotion jajahurl.com/at3t