38Friends 11Fans
female Topeka, KS, United States
I am a Kindergarten teacher in my third year of teaching.
jamwells says
13 years ago 4
I added our Kansas Day Voicethread to my blog!
jamwells says
13 years ago 1
my MACE proposal was accepted!
jamwells loves
14 years ago
seeing her students so excited about Polar Express Day today!
jamwells says
14 years ago 1
the roads are not good here.
jamwells needs
14 years ago
a title for her MACE pres proposal. I want to present on how I'm using tech in my Kinder. class (Skype, Vthread, blog, etc).. Any ideas??
jamwells says
14 years ago 2
I just got done watching The Blind Side for the first time. I loved it!
jamwells is
14 years ago 1
wanting to know if anyone knows a contact in Japan who is willing to Skype with my class to talk about what Christmas is like there?
jamwells asks
14 years ago 6
kaltenburg if I'm doing this right?!