First real day back at work started with safety planning training. I could expound but you might be operating heavy machinery.
It's unelievably cool when you meet internet people you admire and find out they're just as great as you'd thought they'd be.
Waiting for dinner. There is a high school kid in here that looks like a damn Ken doll. Creepy.
Enjoying the finest chicken fried steak I've had in Cali. There are no good diners on the peninsula.
So if I'm only okay at parties where I already know all the people, how did I ever meet those people in the first place?
Does anyone know what time zone this is? Because I don't.
What a week. While I'm lucky to be a spoiled bay area dweller, New York will always have incomparable charms.
Fake rain in real New York. Funny the world.
Damn you karma! I twitched and spilled my wine on a guy on the plane . Clueless blonde elbows my bottle into me just now. At least
at t-3 hours from starting vacation.