Jay Leiderman
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female San Jose, CA, United States
I'm a criminal defense attorney based in California. JAY LEIDERMAN LAW | CERTIFIED CRIMINAL LAW SPECIALIST
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
Openings begin in Las Vegas trial of ex-fighter War Machine | FOX Sports www.foxsports.com/other/...
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
Opening statements delivered in "War Machine" trial - YouTube Opening statements delivered in "War Machine" trial
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
War Machine Trial Opening Statements 03/06/17 - My opening statement starts about 34 minutes in. War Machine Trial Opening Statements 03/06/17
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
The Latest: Trial begins in Vegas for ex-fighter War Machine - Washington Times The Latest: Trial begins in Vegas for ex-fighter War...
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
'I'm going to die in Christy's bathroom': Testimony begins in War Machine trial | KSNV 'I'm going to die in Christy's bathroom': Testimony ...
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
Lawyers start picking jurors for War Machine trial | Las Vegas Review-Journal Lawyers start picking jurors for War Machine trial
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
The interest in personal autonomy and privacy | Jay Leiderman Law Blog The interest in personal autonomy and privacy | Jay ...
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
26 June 2011: The ultimate nightmare; false charges could get you life in prison | Jay Leiderman Law Blog 26 June 2011: The ultimate nightmare; false charges ...
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
27 November 2012: Jay Leiderman quoted: Police say Mexican Mafia prison gang led crime ring in Ventura County [27 November 2012] | Jay Leiderman Law Blog 27 November 2012: Jay Leiderman quoted: Police say M...
Jay Leiderman shares
7 years ago
Ineffective assistance of counsel: rejecting a favorable plea bargain | Jay Leiderman Law Blog Ineffective assistance of counsel: rejecting a favor...